Pop Thought

I don't think when I make love.
Brigitte Bardot

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Please Pop Me Oh Yeah Like I Pop You

Who would have thought that bastardizing songs just to find a name for my newest, nth and hopefully, "for life" blog would be such an enjoyable waste of time? I've just spent more than half a day with Malachai racking our collective stock knowledge for inspiration until we, finally, latched onto the word:


It's not as trite a choice as it seems, considering that this blog, my friends, would be dedicated wholly to celebrating pop culture - TV, movies, celebrities, fashion, beauty, books, artsy-fartsy stuff, shallow interests and very deep shit, among million other life-changing topics, and of course, (as if I would forget) music. Or at least, I'll try to keep it focused on these very important things and steer away from the exhausting drama of my previous blogs. Amen? Amen! 

You'll also be reading about my (mis)adventures in the world of rock n' roll and showbiz, some old, some new, some still yet to happen. But believe me, it'll happen, seeing as I might be sticking around Manila for a little while. And just as soon as this effin sore eyes let up, you can bet your ass that I will stop pestering them rockers by phone, SMS and email. I will pester them face-to-face! ;)

Anyway, just to share, here are a few "pop" titles we came up with, playing exclusively with Beatles (who else?!) songs. It's quite amusing when you think how one word (i.e. "pop") can totally change some of these songs meanings, especially if you've got a filthy, malicious mind (e.g. mine & Malachai's). 

* Disclaimer: Non-Beatles fanatics may not recognize some of the titles. Therefore, may not laugh.  

Top 7 favorites:

1. I Pop Her Standing There
2. Your Mother Should Pop
3. P.S. I Pop You
4. You Can't Pop That
5. And Your Bird Can Pop (But You Can't Pop Me)
6. And I Pop Her
7. Do You Want To Pop A Secret 

Corny, no? Hehehehe.

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