Pop Thought

I don't think when I make love.
Brigitte Bardot

Sunday, November 28, 2010

POP COUTURE: Songs To Spin When You're Butt-Naked And Don't Know What To Wear

 Amanda & Betty getting ready in the AM end up wearing the same dress in "Ugly Betty" (Video courtesy of ABC Studios)
"What to buy?" "What to wear?" "What look to go for?!"

As if life in general isn’t stressful enough, we girls have to contend with the daily challenge of getting off our cute butts to tax our brains (both the right and left hemispheres, mind you!) for the perfect answers to the three questions above. To help you solve this dilemma, we ask you one more very important Q: "What song to play?"

Two words: "Pop Couture."

Sounds tres chic, doesn’t it? Basically, this refers to sonic inspirations that heavily influence fashion collection concepts, and to songs that name-drop designer labels from intro to coda. Notice how music makes a film so much more powerful? It’s the same for fashion--a fitting "runway score" fuels excitement and interest in a particular collection. Off the ramp, music can stimulate your fashion sense and help set your sartorial vibe--be it plenty sexy, understated edge, effortless luxe, or profound chic.

For this piece, our pop couture playlist serves both functions: a handful of the cuts give you a crash course on haute couture’s Who’s Who (with a bonus on how to pronounce Courreges, Lacroix, and company), while everything else plays muse to the style-stumped. More significantly, this Cosmo "fashion score" collection gives you utter and complete pop encouragement to stand out, be seen, and have fun, whether you’re shopping for a new wardrobe or simply getting ready for a stylish day out.

Continue reading original article (click link): COSMO PLAYLIST: 11 Songs To Bring Out Your Inner Fashionista  

Click on the song titles for some catwalk-worthy aural inspiration. What songs never fail to get you in a voguish mood? What's your personal "rampa theme"? C’mon, girls, create your own "fashion score"!