Pop Thought

I don't think when I make love.
Brigitte Bardot

Thursday, December 9, 2010

POP PREMONITION: Threetles Mourn As John "Dies" On The Pavement

John plays dead as the Fab Three look on.
“Some of the more interesting pictures were down by the Thames, and I was always looking for the serious mood shots. John suddenly dropped to the ground and closed his eyes, pretending to be dead. I have no idea why he decided to do that. The Beatles laughed - nothing for me. Then they went deadly serious. John had his eyes closed and the rest looked on with very serious expressions. One for me. George put on John’s glasses and Ringo felt his forehead. John opened his eyes - another frame for me. The whole incident was over in seconds. I really don’t think they had planned it beforehand.
The boys were getting on really well that day. I know it was reported at the time that they weren’t but all I saw were four boys having a great time. Yoko was just out of shot and joining in with the japes too.

It’s weird now to look at this image. How were any of us to know what would happen 12 years later? I was actually in New York then. This photograph was considered for the cover of TIME in December 1980, but in the end they decided it was too spooky.” - Photographer Tom Murray, Beatles Mad Day Out, images from www.iamkenny.com