Pop Thought

I don't think when I make love.
Brigitte Bardot

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Do You Want To Pop A Secret?

Hence, you won't find no official "Welcome to my new, cool blog! Whoopee." entry here. Trying to write the lead of an article almost always makes writers want to quit his job on the spot. What more if you're trying to write the Ed's Note a.k.a. "Welcome/Introductory Note"? It's hell, man.

Whatever it is you're trying to do, the first time always hurts.

But I hopeno, actually, I'm sort of begging you―to stay around and check out the second (and third, and fourth) blog entry. And come back tomorrow and the day after tomorrow and the day after that. Why, I explained it all on my second blog entry. :D


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