The Pierces- Secret Official Music Video
Got a secret
Can you keep it?
Swear this one you'll save
Better lock it, in your pocket
Taking this one to the grave
If I show you then I know you
Won't tell what I said
Cause two can keep a secret
If one of the m is dead…
Have you ever been privy to a secret that you know you'll have to keep till you're dead?
Carrying such highly confidential info certainly's a pain, but sometimes the only way to do it is to actually try to forget that the secret even exists. Sometimes, I surprise myself when I remember secrets I've stashed in obscure chambers of my psyche; secrets so dark, so sad, so life-altering, that I wish I'd never discovered them. Sometimes I wish I can simply exterminate everyone who share my secrets, or during kinder moments, that I just never ever them again.
Of the secrets I keep, I'd say 95% of them aren't even mine, not mine to tell (ever), and hell, I wish not mine to keep. But keep them, I do. Don't worry, I plan to take them with me to the grave. For their revelations will serve nobody any purpose - not me, not the secrets' owners.
Hell, there are even secrets whom their owners don't know (and will never know) I keep. It is not true that the truth shall set you free. Not all the time. Half of the time, the truth simply hurts---in every way possible.
I talk a lot. More than I should, actually. Ninety per cent of the time, I don't know when to shut up. Hell, I even managed to spill some secrets, no thanks to my careless (oft intoxicated) tongue. But there are secrets you will never extract from me, save under the threat of death, of course. But really, why do we even need to find out things that we know will just complicate our lives?
If there's one thing I've learned from keeping others' secrets, it's that you should abstain, as much as possible, from being part of one. Writing this, it dawned on me that I'm privy to a couple of "forgotten secrets", evidences of which I've long destroyed so that everything will simply be a matter of His Word Versus Mine.
See, another thing you must remember about keeping secrets is that YOU MUST COVER ALL YOUR BASES. Destroy all proof, clean up your tracks, and if possible, get as far from your cohorts as possible.
If you're keeping a friend's secret, then keeping the friendship isn't even required to make sure nothing comes out. LOYALTY is all it takes. You can remain loyal and faithful to a friend, even when the friendship is over.
While my friendship with two women are neither over nor as close as before, the secret we three keep (mine, unfortunately) remains safe even after more than ten years. But I dare not ask them if they had spoken a word of it to anyone, because I'm scared that it might trigger memories. I am, instead, rather hoping the shock of that particular discovery had actually blotted it out of their minds.