Pop Thought

I don't think when I make love.
Brigitte Bardot

Thursday, December 9, 2010

POP PREMONITION: Threetles Mourn As John "Dies" On The Pavement

John plays dead as the Fab Three look on.
“Some of the more interesting pictures were down by the Thames, and I was always looking for the serious mood shots. John suddenly dropped to the ground and closed his eyes, pretending to be dead. I have no idea why he decided to do that. The Beatles laughed - nothing for me. Then they went deadly serious. John had his eyes closed and the rest looked on with very serious expressions. One for me. George put on John’s glasses and Ringo felt his forehead. John opened his eyes - another frame for me. The whole incident was over in seconds. I really don’t think they had planned it beforehand.
The boys were getting on really well that day. I know it was reported at the time that they weren’t but all I saw were four boys having a great time. Yoko was just out of shot and joining in with the japes too.

It’s weird now to look at this image. How were any of us to know what would happen 12 years later? I was actually in New York then. This photograph was considered for the cover of TIME in December 1980, but in the end they decided it was too spooky.” - Photographer Tom Murray, Beatles Mad Day Out, images from www.iamkenny.com

Sunday, November 28, 2010

POP COUTURE: Songs To Spin When You're Butt-Naked And Don't Know What To Wear

 Amanda & Betty getting ready in the AM end up wearing the same dress in "Ugly Betty" (Video courtesy of ABC Studios)
"What to buy?" "What to wear?" "What look to go for?!"

As if life in general isn’t stressful enough, we girls have to contend with the daily challenge of getting off our cute butts to tax our brains (both the right and left hemispheres, mind you!) for the perfect answers to the three questions above. To help you solve this dilemma, we ask you one more very important Q: "What song to play?"

Two words: "Pop Couture."

Sounds tres chic, doesn’t it? Basically, this refers to sonic inspirations that heavily influence fashion collection concepts, and to songs that name-drop designer labels from intro to coda. Notice how music makes a film so much more powerful? It’s the same for fashion--a fitting "runway score" fuels excitement and interest in a particular collection. Off the ramp, music can stimulate your fashion sense and help set your sartorial vibe--be it plenty sexy, understated edge, effortless luxe, or profound chic.

For this piece, our pop couture playlist serves both functions: a handful of the cuts give you a crash course on haute couture’s Who’s Who (with a bonus on how to pronounce Courreges, Lacroix, and company), while everything else plays muse to the style-stumped. More significantly, this Cosmo "fashion score" collection gives you utter and complete pop encouragement to stand out, be seen, and have fun, whether you’re shopping for a new wardrobe or simply getting ready for a stylish day out.

Continue reading original article (click link): COSMO PLAYLIST: 11 Songs To Bring Out Your Inner Fashionista  

Click on the song titles for some catwalk-worthy aural inspiration. What songs never fail to get you in a voguish mood? What's your personal "rampa theme"? C’mon, girls, create your own "fashion score"!

Thursday, September 23, 2010

Pop Thought: JOAN JETT (09.22)

"I think I was born strong-willed. That's not the kind of thing you can learn. The advantage is, you stick to what you believe in and rarely get pushed out of what you want to do."

I'm simply blown away by Joan Jett's tenacity, strong will and single-mindedness when it came to pursuing her rock n' roll dreams. Sure, she enjoyed all its ankle-nipping perks (i.e. boozing, drugs, indiscriminate sex, more, more, more) but not once did she detour from the path that would take her where she thought she truly belonged - to the top. The woman was genetically engineered not to acknowledge rejection and the word "no". I could go on singing this one praises the whole day, but it would all boil down to this: what Joan Jett wanted, she got - one way, or another.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Pop Thought: SOPHIA LOREN (09.20)

"Getting ahead in a difficult profession requires avid faith in yourself. That is why some people with mediocre talent, but with great inner drive, go so much further than people with vastly superior talent."
Sophia Loren (with dark eye circles), before the advent of Photoshop

Monday, September 20, 2010

Pop Thought: JIMI HENDRIX (09.18)

"I'm the one that has to die when it's time for me to die, so let me live my life, the way I want to."
 R.I.P. Sept 18, 1970 (at the age of 27)
Image: Courtesy of Rolling Stone

Saturday, September 18, 2010

Please Pop Me Oh Yeah Like I Pop You

Who would have thought that bastardizing songs just to find a name for my newest, nth and hopefully, "for life" blog would be such an enjoyable waste of time? I've just spent more than half a day with Malachai racking our collective stock knowledge for inspiration until we, finally, latched onto the word:


It's not as trite a choice as it seems, considering that this blog, my friends, would be dedicated wholly to celebrating pop culture - TV, movies, celebrities, fashion, beauty, books, artsy-fartsy stuff, shallow interests and very deep shit, among million other life-changing topics, and of course, (as if I would forget) music. Or at least, I'll try to keep it focused on these very important things and steer away from the exhausting drama of my previous blogs. Amen? Amen! 

You'll also be reading about my (mis)adventures in the world of rock n' roll and showbiz, some old, some new, some still yet to happen. But believe me, it'll happen, seeing as I might be sticking around Manila for a little while. And just as soon as this effin sore eyes let up, you can bet your ass that I will stop pestering them rockers by phone, SMS and email. I will pester them face-to-face! ;)

Anyway, just to share, here are a few "pop" titles we came up with, playing exclusively with Beatles (who else?!) songs. It's quite amusing when you think how one word (i.e. "pop") can totally change some of these songs meanings, especially if you've got a filthy, malicious mind (e.g. mine & Malachai's). 

* Disclaimer: Non-Beatles fanatics may not recognize some of the titles. Therefore, may not laugh.  

Top 7 favorites:

1. I Pop Her Standing There
2. Your Mother Should Pop
3. P.S. I Pop You
4. You Can't Pop That
5. And Your Bird Can Pop (But You Can't Pop Me)
6. And I Pop Her
7. Do You Want To Pop A Secret 

Corny, no? Hehehehe.

Do You Want To Pop A Secret?

Hence, you won't find no official "Welcome to my new, cool blog! Whoopee." entry here. Trying to write the lead of an article almost always makes writers want to quit his job on the spot. What more if you're trying to write the Ed's Note a.k.a. "Welcome/Introductory Note"? It's hell, man.

Whatever it is you're trying to do, the first time always hurts.

But I hopeno, actually, I'm sort of begging you―to stay around and check out the second (and third, and fourth) blog entry. And come back tomorrow and the day after tomorrow and the day after that. Why, I explained it all on my second blog entry. :D
